5 Killer Books For Fans of Riverdale

We can't get enough of the Archie Comics spinoff Riverdale, and we're guessing you can't either. With its upcoming Winter hiatus on the horizon, we've put together this list of books we think fans of the smash series will love because we can always use more drama-filled, suspenseful high school stories.

Gridley Girls by Meredith First
Everett Collection

Gridley Girls by Meredith First

In Gridley Girls, Meg Monahan was the keeper of secrets at her high school, but when a divide fell among her tight-knit friend group during their freshman year, she realized keeping other people's secrets wasn't something she wanted. Thirty years later, the women are all back together for one of their weddings, and in order to move forward with their friendship, they now must confront their past mistakes and misunderstandings.

The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
Everett Collection

The Lying Game by Ruth Ware

Kate and the rest of her vicious boarding school clique relied on a world of lies during school in The Lying Game, ending in the tragic death of a teacher and expulsion for all of them during their senior year. Now living their adult lives, Kate comes across something chilling on her morning walk that will put the entire clique in danger and force them to face their demons one more time.

The Mothers by Brit Bennett
Everett Collection

The Mothers by Brit Bennett

In The Mothers, Nadia Turner was a beautiful high school senior with a big secret and a scandalous relationship with the pastor's son, Luke. Now, years later, Nadia returns to the town she had once called home to reconnect with childhood friend Aubrey and her first true love. With all the secrets surrounding these three friends, they find it hard not to get caught up in the love triangle that once threatened their friendship years ago.

Here I Go Again by Jen Lancaster
Everett Collection

Here I Go Again by Jen Lancaster

Lissy Ryder ruled the halls of her high school in Here I Go Again, but karma has caught up to her 20 years later as she tries to regain some sanity while living with her parents and starting a business out of their garage. She had never planned on losing her high-paying job or handsome husband, but she now has a second chance to be the person she could never be in high school, and she's ready to take it.

Forks, Knives, and Spoons by Leah DeCesare
Everett Collection

Forks, Knives, and Spoons by Leah DeCesare

Amy York's father always told her there were three types of men: forks, knives, and spoons. Now, in college, Amy entrusts her roommate with this insightful information and the two begin their hunt for the perfect steak knife. Along the road of men, dating, and faith in the Utensil Classification System, the two young girls will learn to believe in themselves and not settle in either life or love in Forks, Knives, and Spoons.