20 Shows That Got POPSUGAR Editors Through 2020

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2020 was a dumpster fire of a year, but what got us through all the twists and turns were the shows we were able to binge thanks to an unexpected amount of time at home. Some of these shows were a welcome escape from our daily lives, while others served as the catalyst to emotions we didn't even know we had. From the comfort of our homes, we were able to travel everywhere, from a galaxy far, far away on The Mandalorian to a tiny town with a ridiculous name on Schitt's Creek. The characters of our favorite shows like The Umbrella Academy began to feel like family when we weren't able to see our own as we'd hoped. Rather than limit ourselves to shows that only came out this year, POPSUGAR editors came together to spotlight the 20 TV shows that helped make 2020 a bit more bearable. Keep reading to see if your favorite show made the cut.


Blood & Water

"Blood & Water's cast is beautiful, and the drama, for the most part, was enthralling. Did I mention that the cast is beautiful? Their glowing skin alone was enough to sustain me throughout the rest of the year. I don't know how, but they need to incorporate the actors' beauty regimens in the second season, even if it has nothing to do with the plot." — Brea Cubit, assistant celebrity and entertainment editor


Bob's Burgers

"The way I could gush about Bob's Burgers! I've probably watched every season at least four times each, and I haven't regretted a single rewatch. The Belchers are like estranged members of my family that are rarely invited to dinner because they're a hot mess, but they're also always a good time. Each new season brings such a wealth of warmth and love from this ridiculous family and their friends, and I hope it goes on forever! Or at least long enough for us to see what's under Louise's hat." — Mekishana Pierre, associate celebrity and entertainment editor


The Boys

"Season two of The Boys was really about how girls 'get it done.' From The Deep's ridiculous duet with his gills and Kimiko's short but sweet reunion with her brother to the head-popping reveal at the end and Stormfront's duality, this show really didn't hold back when it came to the highs and lows you can expect from good versus evil. Also seeing Starlight, Queen Maeve, and Kimiko kick some serious ass in the final episode alone got me through a tough October." — Grayson Gilcrease, assistant celebrity and entertainment editor


Cobra Kai

"There's a reason why Cobra Kai was trending all over Netflix this summer — it's such an easy binge-watch, especially since the episodes are less than 30 minutes long. Even though I've never seen any of the Karate Kid movies, I was immediately invested in the characters and the story. Needless to say, I'm anxiously awaiting season three to drop in January!" — Kelsie Gibson, celebrity and entertainment editor


The Crown

"Season four is without a doubt The Crown's most captivating season yet, which is in large part because of Josh O'Connor and Emma Corrin's brilliant portrayals of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. While it's important to remember that the series only shows a fictionalized version of the royal family, it's still fascinating to see how they portray real-life events, from the spot-on costumes to the little-known stories." — KG


Dash & Lily

"I'm not ashamed to admit that I've watched Dash & Lily four times. It's one of those shows that inexplicably makes me feel so happy and comforted. I've been so outspoken about my love of the series that my roommate actually bought me a Dash & Lily mug that I'm going to use for hot chocolate as I watch the show for a fifth time." — BC


The Great British Baking Show

"I was surprised The Great British Baking Show did a season this year, but it was so wholesome to see how all of the contestants got along while quarantining with each other and to see the new friendships being formed. I always take comfort in seeing the gorgeous bakes, rolling my eyes at the cohosts' pun-filled intros, and soaking up the beauty of the English countryside. Once I saw the celebrity busts in the season premiere, I was hooked." — Chanel Vargas, editorial assistant, trending and viral features

"The Great British Baking Show has been the only show I really needed this year. It's cheesy, funny, heartwarming, and truly, does it get more soothing than a show where you watch British people bake and be kind to each other? No, I think not." — Tara Block, growth and strategic features content director



"If you would have asked me whether or not I'd seen the show Girlfriends before 2020, my answer would have been, "Uh, duh." I had lines memorized, a favorite character (Maya Wilkes), and I sang the ad-libs from the theme song like I wrote it myself. But that "duh" would have actually been a lie. When Netflix released the show for streaming 20 years after its original airing, I realized that Girlfriends was for grown-ass Black women, and I was not a grown-ass Black woman in the year 2000; I was 12. I can now say that I have officially watched Girlfriends, as a grown-ass Black woman, which was the salve I needed in a year when it was particularly hard to be one." — Iyana Robertson, entertainment and trending news content director


The Haunting of Bly Manor

"Is it weird that I look to horror as an escape from a hellish year? Probably, but there's just something about the Haunting series that sets me at ease. When it comes to The Haunting of Bly Manor, I was hooked from the initial episode and binged the season in about a day. The gut-wrenching reveals and the somewhat happy ending elicited emotions I didn't even realize I was capable of feeling for a television show. I just wanted to stay at Bly Manor with Hannah, Owen, Dani, and Jamie. Plus, Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Peter Quint had me feeling some type of way, even if Peter Quint was an all-around bad guy." — GC



"The fact that Hollywood came out this year is mind-blowing. I feel like I've aged a thousand years since then. It's almost embarrassing how invested I was in the lives of Jack Castello, Raymond Ainsley, Camille Washington, Claire Wood, Archie Coleman, and Rock Hudson. When they cried, I cried. When they won awards, I felt as if I was cheering on my friends. The costumes are gorgeous and it was interesting to see what the golden age of Hollywood would've been like with 2020 views set in place." — GC


The Mandalorian

"Listen, all I will ever need is to watch Mando and his son, Grogu, travel the galaxy together. They meet lots of interesting people and wind up in outrageous adventures before hopping back in their aging hoopty and chasing the horizon. Yes, that's what The Mandalorian is about and, no, I won't be taking further questions." — MP


Money Heist

"Money Heist is the absolute best show I've binged during lockdown. Each episode has all the makings to keep you on the edge of your seat: robbery, politics, sex, love, music (really, I'm surprised "Bella Ciao" wasn't in the top 10 of my Spotify Wrapped). It was so good, I stayed up until 2 a.m. every night because I just couldn't stop watching, much to the dismay of my dark circles." – Kelsey Castañon, beauty content director



"If you'd asked whether or not I thought I'd be reliving my middle school years in 2020, I'd have said no. Then the newest season of Pen15 came along and I was reliving eighth grade all over again. Granted, I'm a little younger than Maya and Anna so our experiences aren't exactly the same, but the cringe, the cringe is universal." — GC

"Pen15 is incredibly cringey in the most nostalgic way imaginable. Personally, I can't relate to all of Maya and Anna's experiences, but there are so many great scenes that showcase the strength of their friendship and the ridiculous activities they came up with to keep themselves entertained — i.e., pretending to be witches in the woods — that take me right back to elementary school and middle school. It was nice to relive those moments and let myself get lost in some teenage awkwardness for awhile." — CV


The Queen's Gambit

"From the very first episode, I was completely entranced by Netflix's The Queen's Gambit. Not only is it so beautifully shot, but it's jam-packed with talented stars. Seriously, Anya Taylor-Joy deserves an Emmy after her incredible performance as Beth Harmon. My only critique was that it was too short! By the final episode, I was only left craving more." — KG


The Real Housewives Franchise

"While some may think of this as 'trash TV,' others (including myself) consider this franchise top-notch entertainment and pure escapism. The juicy drama, unparalleled fights, and over-the-top episodes have given me all I need to tune out of 2020 and tune into some real amusement with me, myself, and my couch." — Lauren Harano, growth and strategic features editorial assistant


Saved by the Bell

"Who knew going back to Bayside would uncover one of the few revivals to get it right? Though the new Saved by the Bell gets called a reboot, it's 100 percent a sequel series to the original show, and it plays that up to its best interest. I was not expecting to love the series as much as I did, but the ensemble cast creates a perfect blend of mockery, irony, and sincerity. While the original series dealt with real-life issues in the classic 'special episode' format, the sequel tackles conversations of racism, classism, transphobia, and more with the gravitas called for in those moments, without straying into white savior territory or acting like they've "solved" the big problems with one conversation. While the older series felt they had to teach viewers about what matters, the sequel series acknowledges they exist and react accordingly. It's authentic, absurd, sweet, and practically perfect." — MP


Schitt's Creek

"It somehow took me until 2020 to give Schitt's Creek a whirl, and whew, I sure am glad the show came into my life. After hearing rave reviews from coworkers left and right, I finally dove into the series at the start of the year and instantly developed an attachment to the Rose family. David's facial expressions have sent me into hysterics multiple times, Moira's odd accent and dramatic tendencies always makes me laugh, and Stevie's sarcastic one-liners make me feel like we'd be friends IRL. For those 21 minutes an episode lasts (or, let's be real, 63 minutes because I can never watch just one), I'm mentally transported to Schitt's Creek, a glorious town free of COVID-19, Donald Trump, and the many other woes of 2020. Without this show, my year would've been a whole lot bleaker." — Victoria Messina, associate trending and viral features editor


Ted Lasso

"I initially resisted the allure of Ted Lasso because I thought it would be hokey and an earnest try-hard that I haven't been in the mood for in a long while. But when I finally succumbed to its pull, it turned out to be one of my absolute favorite shows of the entire year. Ted Lasso presents a preposterous premise with outlandish yet realistic characters who are only just a step away from being people you might know yourself. Ted is optimistic in a way that generally makes my teeth ache, but when surrounded by characters who are in desperate need of his good cheer, he seems more like a godsend than the headache he could have been. With an amazing ensemble cast led by Jason Sudeikis, Apple TV+ did the near-impossible with Ted Lasso and had a perfect first season. The streamer was smart enough to renew the series for two more installments because we absolutely need more." — MP


The Umbrella Academy

"I wasn't sure how The Umbrella Academy could top itself after season one, but it certainly didn't disappoint. Not only was it wildly entertaining, but the time-traveling storyline really added an extra element of surprise. Seriously, don't even get me started on the cliffhangers! It's one of those shows you end up watching until the wee hours of the morning because you keep playing the next episode." — KG


The Undoing

"In all honesty, I'm one of the people who was a bit underwhelmed by the ending of The Undoing, but overall, it was enjoyably messy. I was still invested in everything that happened, and it was the perfect show to help me get through a day of packing and organizing my apartment before I traveled home for the holidays. It gave me the motivation to stay awake and not take one of my notorious three-hour naps that are the root of my weekend inertia." — BC

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