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Jillian Michaels Belly Fat Workout Circuit

Just Follow Along With Jillian Michaels to This 7-Minute Workout and Get Ready For Lean Abs

Jillian Michaels is coming at you with a third belly fat workout. The first circuit was all about lateral burpees and hollow holds, while the second workout kept you busy with planks and mountain climbers. This third belly fat workout is all about crunches and squats.

It comes from her new app, My Fitness by Jillian Michaels. Jillian explained that while it's impossible to spot-reduce fat from your belly specifically, what you need to do is reduce your overall body fat, and she dos this by combining HIIT intervals into strength and conditioning circuits. "There is no rest in between exercises so your heart rate stays up and time isn't wasted," she said. "These exercises incorporate multiple muscle groups," so you'll experience an all-over body burn!

Jillian Michaels Belly Fat Workout Circuit 3

Equipment needed: none

Directions: After warming up for five minutes, repeat this circuit workout twice. After you're finished, do this five-minute stretching routine.

Exercises Time
High Knees 25 seconds
Standing Alternating Toe Tap Crunch 25 seconds
Standing Oblique Crunch (Left Leg) 25 seconds
Standing Oblique Crunch (Right Leg) 25 seconds
Alternating Cyclone Squats 25 seconds)

High Knees

  • Similar to jogging in place but with a greater range of motion, tilt your pelvis up and forward and bring your knees as high up toward your chest as you possibly can.
  • Keep alternating knees for 25 seconds.

Standing Alternating Toe Tap Crunch

  • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, arms extended up overhead.
  • Kick your right leg all the way up with power and intensity to touch your toe with your hand at belly-button level.
  • Keep alternating legs for 25 seconds.

Standing Oblique Crunch (Left Leg)

  • From a standing position, place your right hand on your waist, left hand behind your head.
  • Keeping both legs straight, lift the left leg out to the left side, crunching your elbow toward your lifted leg.
  • Keep going for 25 seconds.

Standing Oblique Crunch (Right Leg)

  • From a standing position, place your left hand on your waist, right hand behind your head.
  • Keeping both legs straight, lift the right leg out to the right side, crunching your elbow toward your lifted leg.
  • Keep going for 25 seconds.

Alternating Cyclone Squats

  • Stand is a five-pointed star position, with your feet wide, arms in T-position parallel to the floor.
  • Pivot to one side and drop the back knee down, coming into a lunge, keeping the arms out wide.
  • Come back up to the start position and rotate to the opposite side.
  • Keep going for 25 seconds.
Image Source: Jillian Michaels

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