12 Odd Weight-Loss Tricks That Work

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

You're sick of hearing that eating smaller portions and exercising are the key to weight loss. Find out what else works — these may sound weird, but give them a try!

Eat Chocolate For Breakfast
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Eat Chocolate For Breakfast

For those with an insatiable sweet tooth, giving into your cravings can actually curb them. We're not suggesting you eat an entire Hershey's bar upon waking, but you can add a few chocolate chips to your overnight oats, sip on a chocolate protein smoothie, or bite into a homemade chocolate almond protein bar. Getting a little taste of something sweet in a healthy way will take your mind off it, so you don't end up devouring a pint of chocolate ice cream later.

Go For Big Chunks
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Go For Big Chunks

Whether it's a salad, soup, stir-fry, or casserole, keep the veggies in big chunks. Not only will it take less time to prepare your recipe, but chomping down on big pieces of veggies requires more chewing and more effort. That means it will take longer to eat your meal, and you'll end up feeling more satisfied, which translates to eating less food afterward. Or try the opposite approach and cut up your food into tiny bites — it'll trick your brain into thinking there's more on your plate, so it feels like you're eating more than you actually are.

Eat With a Guy
POPSUGAR Photography

Eat With a Guy

Whether you're a man or a woman, research shows eating in front of a guy makes you eat less.

Hit the ATM
POPSUGAR Photography

Hit the ATM

Buying food and meals with actual dollars instead of with a credit card makes you more conscious about how much you're spending, so you're less likely to load up on junk and extra food you don't really need.

Make Your Water Warm
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Make Your Water Warm

Instead of a cold, refreshing glass of water, research shows that drinking a glass of warm or even hot water before a meal can make you feel fuller quicker, so you'll end up consuming less food.

Eat Here
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Barnes

Eat Here

When people eat alone, they tend to let go and may end up eating three times more than they normally would. Try to eat in front of at least one other person, and it doesn't need to be someone you know! Eat on a park bench, in a cafe, or in the break room at work. And sit down so you can relax and take in each bite.

Snap a Pic
POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Snap a Pic

Writing down your meals and snacks is an effective way to keep track of daily calorie intake, but sometimes we forget just how much we eat. Take a photo of everything you eat throughout the day — everything, even a handful of M&M's — so you can accurately tally it all up at the end of the day.

Make Your Meals Public
POPSUGAR Photography / Kat Borchart

Make Your Meals Public

Meal planning is great and all, but if you don't follow through, what you wrote down in that cute notebook won't have any effect on the scale. Write it out on a big blackboard for you and everyone else to see — it makes it more likely to happen. It also forces you to be more accountable for choosing healthy meals. You wouldn't be too proud if the week's plan had a mix of pizza, cereal, and takeout.

Put a Mirror Here

Put a Mirror Here

Hanging a mirror on the wall next to your table allows you to watch yourself eat, which studies show can prevent you from overeating.

Light Up
POPSUGAR Photography | Grace Hitchcock

Light Up

No, not a cigarette — a vanilla candle! This scent has a calming effect on the brain and can help satiate cravings.

Go Blue
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Go Blue

Blue may be a fun and vibrant color you like to wear, but in regards to food, it's not the most appetizing color. While you're not about to add blue food coloring to every meal, serving your food on blue plates and using blue napkins or a blue tablecloth can have the same effect.

Go Dimmer
POPSUGAR Photography | Lisette Mejia

Go Dimmer

Just as low music can have a calming effect, so can dimming the lights. Research shows you'll enjoy your meal more and eat less — 18 percent fewer calories. Plants, tablecloths, paintings, fireplaces, and classical music all help add to the happiness factor, so keep this in mind in your own home.