10 Tips For Staying Motivated All Year

Unsplash | Andrew Tanglao

New Year's resolutions were designed to give people an opportunity to make changes in their lives and achieve personal milestones. They are often viewed as a fresh start and a chance to set positive physical and mental health intentions for the rest of the year. However, with challenging schedules, temptations, and everything else that life throws at us, it's easy to put our personal health on the sidelines. Staying on track with your goals may be challenging at times, but follow these 10 easy tips for staying motivated to put your health first throughout the entire year.

Write It Down

Get yourself a pretty planner and write down your goals each week. Keeping a log of your progress throughout the month will help you visualize your intentions and stay on track.

Work Your Way Up

Make your goals measurable by starting small and working your way up. If one of your resolutions is to run a half marathon, sign up for a 5K or two before the big race. Having realistic, bite-size goals leading to a larger one will encourage you to keep it up. Read up on these tips to help build your running endurance.

Complete a Challenge

A great way to work toward a goal without losing motivation is through fitness challenges. Choose from a variety of options like plank, squat, or burpee challenges to build endurance day by day and achieve the stronger body you've always wanted in a month's or even two weeks' time.

Prep Your Meals

Avoid the temptation of takeout and junk food by prepping your meals and snacks ahead of time. Label and store your food in glass containers so they're easy to grab and go. Be sure to have a variety of meals and get inspiration from this roundup of easy meal-prep ideas.

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Switch It Up

Avoid getting tired of your fitness routine by opting for something new, like that dance class you've been eyeing at the gym. If you usually run, try swimming, or if you exercise at home, take your workout outside. Switching things up will keep it fun and interesting, which will help motivate you to keep going toward your goals.

POPSUGAR Photography | RC Rivera

Treat Yourself

For every milestone you achieve, treat yourself to something special, like an at-home spa day. Write down your goal (in that new planner!), the expected timeline, and how you'll reward yourself once you reach it. Sometimes it's just a little treat, like the lipstick that's been on your wish list, that is the perfect motivation to get you to that goal.

Set Reminders

Whether your resolution is to exercise 30 minutes a day or do a daily meditation, use your phone to help you to stay on track. Add daily reminders in your calendar or use the alarm clock to alert you to do things like your workout or drinking a glass of water. There are also several useful apps dedicated to helping you plan out your life and accomplish your to-do list; check out seven of our favorites.

Don't Go It Alone

Ask your best gal pal or favorite coworker to join you in a fitness challenge or new workout class. If you're the competitive type, set goals together to keep track of your progress and see who can hit the target first. Having a partner to check in with helps maintain accountability and makes things more fun when encouraging each other.

POPSUGAR Photography | Jenny Sugar

Stock Up

Clear the pantry and fridge of junk food and stock up on a variety of healthy and satisfying foods so you're always prepared when those cravings kick in. Fresh fruits and vegetables are more nutritious and more filling, so avoid the bag of chips by not having it easily accessible.

Take It Easy

Take your goals and resolutions seriously, but take it easy on yourself. Keeping a strict regimen is one way to achieve your goals, but what's the point if you didn't have fun on the journey to get there? Mix yoga into your routine to establish balance and give yourself a chance to check in with your body. If you have a craving and indulge on dessert after dinner, allow yourself to enjoy it.

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