If You're Trying to Lose Weight, You've Got to Read These Fat-Loss Tips

When people set out to lose weight, they're really looking to lose body fat. And even though most people want to lose stubborn fat from targeted body parts, such as their belly or thighs, burning fat all comes down to a few simple tips.

These weight-loss experts all share their best tips for blasting away fat, slimming down, and getting in shape. From which foods to eat to how to train in the gym, these experts reveal all the best ways to burn body fat.

3 Easy Rules For Fat Loss

Fat-loss coach Carter Good simplifies losing weight with these three "easy" rules: don't drink your calories, never miss a healthy meal twice, and stay focused on what matters most.

Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Fat-loss coach Chad Hargrove laid out the basics of which foods will help you burn fat: veggies, fruit, fish, plant-based protein, and simple meals like salads that aren't loaded with butter and oils. He also provided examples of food that makes it harder to burn fat: fast food, muffins, candy, dips, muffins, pasta, sugary cereal, and the salty snacks like potato chips that you munch on after dinner.

How to Lose Stubborn Fat

Carter Good also explains that losing stubborn fat is the same for anywhere on your body: you need to eat at a calorie deficit, strength train, eat whole foods, and be patient with the process.

How to Burn Belly Fat

Carter Good knows that many people want to burn belly fat, but explains that doing so is the same as burning fat anywhere else: eat at a calorie deficit, strength train, and not give up on your weight-loss journey. Burning belly fat is not achieved from creams, wraps, or fat-loss pills; crash diets; doing a bunch of cardio; or expecting results in just a few weeks.

The Biggest Myths About Losing Body Fat

Many people want to lose body fat, which has led to a lot of misinformation spread across the internet, according to personal trainer Max Weber: drinking detox teas, infomercial products, fad diets, body wraps, endless cardio and no strength training, and relying on supplements.

Instead, he recommends eating in a calorie deficit, strength training a few times a week, doing some cardio (but not as your only form of exercise), getting quality sleep, and being consistent and patient.

Best Fitness Tips For Fat Loss

When it comes to losing weight, fitness and exercise plays a huge role. Fitness and lifestyle coach Marci Nevin has these tips for people looking to burn fat: do more strength training than cardio, use mostly compound movements, work within a variety of rep ranges, perform super sets to save time and burn more calories, and walk and stay active as much as possible.

The 1 Thing Separating Successful Dieters From Unsuccessful Ones

Although losing weight requires a diligent effort of eating at a calorie deficit, exercising, getting plenty of sleep and managing stress, there is one thing he says that separates successful dieters from ones who struggle: consistency.

"You could have the world's fanciest pants fitness plan, but if you can't follow it consistently, it won't help you a lick," he wrote in his Instagram caption. "Most importantly, when you DO slip up (because you absolutely will), it's about getting right back on track."