2 Peloton Instructors Share Their Fitness and Food Diaries For the New Year

Courtesy of Jess King
Courtesy of Jess King

I have a lot of thoughts during my Peloton workouts, including, but not limited to: "The instructor's workout set — make it mine. Now." and "How the hell are the coaches still managing to speak through such intense cardio?" That brings me to my latest query: "How often are these instructors actually working out when they're not teaching classes?" I know I can't be the only one who's curious about their daily routines. These people have a job that literally requires them to be on their A-game all the time, so staying hydrated, fueled, and motivated is of the utmost importance. I can't say I wouldn't enjoy being pantsless on the couch 99.9 percent of the time I wasn't recording in the studio.

"I don't have a set schedule of what days or how often I do each type of workout. Instead, I like to listen to my body and do what feels good."

But when I spoke to Jess King, Peloton all instructor, and Anna Greenberg, Peloton yoga and meditation instructor, I quickly realized the Peloton instructor lifestyle is an active one literally all of the time. King and Greenberg took me through their typical schedules, shed light on their meal plans, and even revealed some personal workout goals for 2021.

King wants to deepen her Pilates practice and improve her handstand, while Greenberg's wellness intentions are a little less specific. "I don't have a set schedule of what days or how often I do each type of workout. Instead, I like to listen to my body and do what feels good (which always includes rest days of doing absolutely nothing!)," she told POPSUGAR.

Ahead, get to know the ins and outs of King and Greenberg's workout and healthy lifestyle regimens, and learn the motivational words that keep them strong. Hopefully, these two will inspire you, just as they inspired me, to get active, but also to take this new year day by day and listen to what your body is asking of you.

Jess King, Peloton Cycling Instructor

Jess King, Peloton Cycling Instructor

"My workouts are sacred. My entire life revolves around my Peloton schedule, therefore, everything that I do during the day is intended to support my performance. Specifically, I pay attention to what I eat, how I recover, who I am around, and how much sleep I get. Spiritual hygiene also plays a massive part in my mental, physical, and emotional well-being."

Jess King's Workouts
Courtesy of Jess King

Jess King's Workouts

Pre-workout ritual: "I meditate, say a prayer of gratitude and protection for myself, and take a moment to bless anyone that may take the class, bless my production crew, and open myself up to receive universal energy and wisdom."

Best workout partner: "I have been training three times per week with my teammate Andy Speer [Peloton strength training specialist, Tread & Strength instructor] for the past two years — virtually during the pandemic — and I wouldn't trade these sessions for anything."

Go-to workout: "[Speer] designs my strength program to support the work I do on the Bike and Tread at Peloton. By incorporating strength training into my routine, I find that I am more conditioned and stronger in my classes, and I'm able to support and balance any repetitive movement patterns that come from lots of riding or running."

Favorite workout class: "I think Denis Morton's yoga classes are the most cathartic and healing I have ever taken. Rebecca Kennedy is my best friend, so I love running and training with her because I get to 'hang out' with her, and she kicks my ass. I also take Adrian Williams's classes so I can tease him for being so silly and sexy, and to make sure he gives me the appropriate shoutouts I deserve for being his friend."

Current workout goal: "My personal workout goal for the last three years has been to grow a bigger butt! And while she's gotten stronger and a little more round, she's still petite. The truth is, being strong, pain free, and preventing injury and aging is what matters to me. Also, believe it or not, I am working on strengthening my hands as a means of preventing arthritis."

Workout recovery: "Off days from training still include lots of stretching, physical therapy, and/or a massage, and I am currently obsessed with my sauna blanket. I recommend listening to your body and honoring the messages."

Jess King's Meal Plan
Courtesy of Jess King

Jess King's Meal Plan

"I feel best when I eat protein, veggies, and some carbs after a workout. Also, staying away from sugar is key for my recovery and physical well-being. I typically start my day with a collagen/cacao butter coffee. A few hours later I will eat an avocado toast and maybe a coconut yogurt with pistachios. For lunch and in between workouts, I'll have a salad with protein or rice, veggies, and kimchi. Dinner is another version of that. The only snack I really eat is potato chips, and I love them with all my heart."

"I never drink enough water, but I try. On the days that I'm fully hydrated, there is a noticeable difference in my mood, energy levels, and skin. I fully believe in the magic of water and being hydrated. If I succeed in being hydrated in a day, there's a big glass of lemon water in the morning, a huge glass after my trough of coffee, a bottle before and after my workouts, and then I try to drink a full water bottle on the top of every hour all day. The key word here is TRY!"

Anna Greenberg, Peloton Yoga and Meditation Instructor

Anna Greenberg, Peloton Yoga and Meditation Instructor

"Taking care of my mental health goes hand in hand with physical fitness and wellness. Last year, it was tough to create new habits and routines, and figure out how to stay fit, healthy, and sane in this unpredictable time. I often choose what practice I'm going to do depending on what kind of support I need — whether it's turning inward with meditation, a slower yoga practice, or moving tension and energy through with a big, sweaty workout. I try to be kind to myself and not beat myself up if what I end up needing is different than my expectations."

Anna Greenberg's Workouts
Courtesy of Anna Greenberg

Anna Greenberg's Workouts

Pre- and post-workout ritual: "I always like to roll out a mat and do a little warmup before I teach, to prepare my body & mind for whatever class I'm teaching. After class, I usually like to eat something delicious whether it's a snack or full meal, and let myself totally relax so my mind & body are off duty (even if it's just for 10 minutes).

Go-to workout: "I love to focus on stability, mobility, and longevity in my training. I do a combination of mobility and strength training about one to three times a week. I also love Pilates to integrate and organize my body, and of course yoga is my first love. I generally leave my mat rolled out in my living room and get on it whenever I feel like it, for class inspiration and for my own practice and sanity. I will also take a cycling class whenever I want to get really sweaty and have a great time."

At-home workout experience: "Before the pandemic, I didn't do much practicing or working out at home. I was much more likely to go either to a class in person or not work out. Over the course of this past year, I've developed a new love for getting on my mat and exploring my own yoga practice without being led (which I also still love). It's given me more agency over my practice in a way that I really cherish. I've also really felt how much of a mood booster it is to move and sweat to great music, and I'm much quicker to get on the bike or put a favorite playlist on and roll out my mat when I feel down or stale than I ever have been before."

Current workout goal: "I'm not a very goal-oriented person, but I'm more interested in feeling good and being able to teach and move in the ways I love for the long haul. But, I did have a goal two years ago to do pull-ups, which I did! It was a really fun thing to work on and I felt pretty badass. I think I may have lost them last year, so it would be fun to get back to that."

New workout attempt: "Boxing!"

Workout recovery: "Something that is restorative, fills up my cup so that I'm recharged, and refreshes me for upcoming workouts. I love lighting a candle and soaking in a bath with Epsom or bath salts to totally relax. Restorative yoga is also great."

Anna Greenberg's Meal Plan
Courtesy of Anna Greenberg

Anna Greenberg's Meal Plan

"I'm not an authority or specialist on this by any means, but I do think everyone is different. I think the best way to eat is intuitively. Listen to what your body wants and give yourself that nourishment. I often feel lightheaded if I don't have a little something before working out or practicing, but I need something light. After I work out, I do try to have something with some protein, but I'm not that particular as long as it's delicious."

"I definitely don't drink enough water, which is something I know I need to be better about. I try to drink a glass in the morning, so I at least get that in, but I'm not a great drinker of water. I prefer LaCroix (which I drink loads of). Does that count?"