17 Moments This Year That Made You Think "WTF"

Between Kim Kardashian's butt and animal photobombs, the Internet kept us laughing this year. But there's no denying that 2014 also had moments of utter, complete weirdness. Ahead, we proudly present the 17 craziest, most WTF-worthy viral moments of the year.

Smartphone Catches Fire Under Girl's Pillow
YouTube | Fox 4 News

Smartphone Catches Fire Under Girl's Pillow

We've joked about it before — how sleeping right next to your smartphone is a sign that things have gone too far. And now, there's proof.

Cringe! Listen to the Worst Customer Service Call in History
Getty | Justin Sullivan

Cringe! Listen to the Worst Customer Service Call in History

One man went through hell trying to cancel his Comcast service and posted the entire phone conversation online.

99 iPhones Were Used in the Saddest Public Proposal of All

99 iPhones Were Used in the Saddest Public Proposal of All

One man purchased 99 iPhone 6s to ask for his girlfriend's hand in marriage — but the results weren't so sweet, resulting in the most expensive rejection of all.

The Geeky Playboy Costumes You Did Not See Coming

The Geeky Playboy Costumes You Did Not See Coming

These are, by far, the strangest sensual Halloween costumes of the year. Playboy chose the sexy Halloween ensembles they'd like to see for 2014 — and targeted the most unsuspecting geeks.

Not OK: People Are Destroying iPhones at Apple Stores
YouTube | RazorConcepts

Not OK: People Are Destroying iPhones at Apple Stores

Apple's "bendgate" reached a new low, when two British teens filmed themselves destroying iPhone 6s and 6 Pluses in Apple retail stores.

How 1 Tweet Got a Family Kicked Off a Flight

How 1 Tweet Got a Family Kicked Off a Flight

One man tried to board a Southwest flight with his kids but was turned away by a gate agent. Upset, he tweeted — and the agent wouldn't let him on the flight until he deleted the tweet.

Photoshopped Ad of Abused NFL CoverGirl Model Goes Viral

Photoshopped Ad of Abused NFL CoverGirl Model Goes Viral

After an NFL star was caught beating his girlfriend, Twitter users began circulating this photoshopped version of a CoverGirl Ravens ad featuring a model with a black eye, pleading the league to take a stand against abuse.

This App Makes You Look Thinner by Stretching Your Body
Spring App

This App Makes You Look Thinner by Stretching Your Body

This is not a joke (even though we wish it were). An app called Spring makes you look taller and thinner by letting you adjust your body proportion.

The Crazy Tale of an Airbnb Squatter
Thinkstock | Kraig Scarbinsky

The Crazy Tale of an Airbnb Squatter

You won't believe this story of a tenant who refused to leave this woman's Airbnb rental.

The Crazy Sexist Batman Shirt

The Crazy Sexist Batman Shirt

We were pretty disappointed in DC Comics this year. Apparently women aren't meant to aspire to be Batgirl or Catwoman. No, women are only destined to become Batman's wife, at least according to this t-shirt which riled up the masses.

WTF Is Going on With the Sexy Spider-Woman Cover?

WTF Is Going on With the Sexy Spider-Woman Cover?

In July, the comic company announced that Thor would now be a woman. Hooray! Around the same time, it also announced that a brand-new Spider-Woman series was in the works. But then, Marvel revealed two of those Spider-Woman #1 covers, one of which we wish we never saw.

Thank You, Internet, For the Truth About Slap Bracelets
Instagram | simplelaura

Thank You, Internet, For the Truth About Slap Bracelets

We grew up with slap bracelets and have been around them all our lives. When the truth about what they were made of was revealed, we could not believe it!

One Dad's Hilarious iPhone Facepalm Moment

One Dad's Hilarious iPhone Facepalm Moment

Dads are an endless source of tech amusement, but this hilarious facepalm moment really takes the cake. This dad had been using his iPhone on speakerphone for a year because the "volume was too low." Then his son fixed it.

Airbnb's New Logo Gets Real Awkward

Airbnb's New Logo Gets Real Awkward

Airbnb's new logo had a beautiful meaning, but it, unfortunately, looked a lot like human genitalia, and the Internet responded in the best way possible.

And Finally, This Guy
Twitter | CBS6Albany

And Finally, This Guy

The laser cat yearbook photo you wish you thought of first.