The 1 Yoga Pose That Can Give You Coregasms

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Think it sounds crazy to experience an orgasm while working out? Coregasms are real, and they happen when deeply engaging your core muscles. Women may experience this glorious feeling while doing crunches, strengthening leg lifts, or these backbends in a yoga class — now that's what I call an enlightening experience!

These variations of Camel Pose are pretty advanced, but you can modify them by lying on your back on a bolster or by walking your hands down a wall. Try to do one variation after the other without a break to really work your abs. The feeling in your lady parts can be rather intense — maybe not a full-on coregasm, but lovely nonetheless.

Pigeon Pose A
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Pigeon Pose A

  • After opening the back in Camel Pose, while standing on the knees, arch the back and lower the hands behind you. If it's too difficult to do this way, lie on the back with the knees bent and arch the back from a Reclined Hero Pose position.
  • Rest the head and forearms on the floor and try to touch the toes with your fingers. Go deeper if you can and hold onto the heels.
  • Hold here for five breaths, breathing as deeply as you can.
Little Thunderbolt
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Little Thunderbolt

  • From Pigeon Pose A, raise your arms into the air and reach for your calves.
  • Hold here for five breaths.
Little Thunderbolt (Deeper)
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Little Thunderbolt (Deeper)

  • While in Little Thunderbolt, encourage your spine to arch even deeper by reaching your fingers around the front of your knees.
  • Breathe deeply for another five breaths.
Lifted Thunderbolt
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Lifted Thunderbolt

  • From that deeper Little Thunderbolt, just lift the arms into the air, palms touching.
  • Stay here, resting on the head for five breaths.
Pigeon Pose B
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Pigeon Pose B

  • From Lifted Thunderbolt, lower the palms back to the mat. Lift the head and elbows off the floor and walk the hands as close as you can toward the toes.
  • Hold this mini backbend for five breaths.