Grab Your Resistance Bands and Try These 5 Halle Berry-Approved Strength Exercises

Halle Berry is always inspiring us to be strong mentally and physically, to mix up our wellness routine, and to try new training modalities like boxing. If you're looking for creative ways to train with minimal equipment, we recommend trying a few of her go-to resistance-band strengthening exercises, which she recently shared. The following moves aren't intended to be completed as a workout all at one time, but let them serve as inspiration for your next quick workout. Grab your mini resistance band (the one Berry and her trainer Peter Lee Thomas use are from her Re-spin collection), and check out how to do each move ahead.

Butterfly Squat
instagram | halleberry

Butterfly Squat

For the butterfly squat, start in a traditional squat position with the resistance band above your knees. With control, push both knees out gently and then return to your starting position.

Squat Jack
instagram | halleberry

Squat Jack

For the squat jack, start in a traditional squat position with the resistance band above your knees and your arms extended in a "T" shape. Simultaneously bring your arms in front of your body (your hands will touch) as you jump your legs in. With control, jump your legs out as you simultaneously separate your hands, extending your arms out back to the "T" shape.

Side Plank With a Lateral Leg Lift

Side Plank With a Lateral Leg Lift

With the band above your knees, start in a traditional side-plank position on your left side. Once you're set, lift your right leg up a few inches and then lower it back down to the starting position.

Split Squat
instagram | halleberry

Split Squat

Start standing with a resistance band above your knees. With control, step your left leg forward and lower down into a front lunge, then return to the standing position. Repeat on your right side.

Seated Bicycle Crunch
instagram | halleberry

Seated Bicycle Crunch

Start on the ground with the resistance band over the top of both feet and your hands on the ground behind you. With control, slightly lower your upper body back and begin to cycle your legs, performing a bicycle crunch.