Try This Trainer's Do-Anywhere Pilates Arm Workout

If traveling for the holidays is taking you away from your favorite Pilates workouts or studio, then fear not — this do-anywhere, equipment-free Pilates workout was designed with holiday travel in mind. With six simple but challenging moves, you'll tone up your arms and tighten your core. Ellie Houston, Pilates ProWorks fitness director, created this challenging, low-impact workout just for you and your holiday schedule. Find some space to move and let's get to work!

Pike Diamond Push-Ups: 8 reps, 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Pike Diamond Push-Ups: 8 reps, 3 sets

  • Place hands on floor with fingertips in a diamond shape.
  • Extend hips upward, keeping heels lifted, similar to a Downward Dog pose in yoga.
  • Inhale while bending elbows outward, lowering crown of head to floor.
  • Exhale and straighten elbows, pressing arms to full extension.
Spider-Man Push-Ups: 8 reps each side, 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Spider-Man Push-Ups: 8 reps each side, 3 sets

  • Start in a plank. Lift right leg and bring right knee to right elbow.
  • Brace right knee on right elbow and lower to push-up.
  • Repeat on left side.
Zombie Plank: 12 reps, 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Zombie Plank: 12 reps, 3 sets

  • Start in forearm plank with palms flat on floor.
  • Lifting heels, rock forward onto palms, straightening arms into tall plank.
  • Lower heels and rock back onto forearms.
Superman Rows: 20 reps, 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Superman Rows: 20 reps, 3 sets

  • Lie flat on stomach, arms extended, palms down.
  • Inhale and lift head, arms, and legs off the floor.
  • Exhale and squeeze shoulder blades, bending elbows to 90 degrees.
  • Inhale and extend arms forward, then lower onto floor.
Tabletop Triceps Dips: 15 reps, 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Tabletop Triceps Dips: 15 reps, 3 sets

  • Place hands on floor behind hips, fingertips facing inward.
  • Place feet on floor with legs bent, feet underneath hips.
  • Press hips upward into tabletop, extending arms straight.
Angel Wings: 3 sets
Pilates ProWorks

Angel Wings: 3 sets

  • Sit with legs bent at 90 degrees and hinge back 45 degrees at the waist, keeping back straight.
  • Extend arms out to the sides, bringing shoulder blades together to support rotator cuffs.
  • Flip palms up, then flip pals down, turning hands over in figure-eight motion.
  • Continue for one minute.