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Two-Week Ab Challenge

Kick Off Your Monday With This 2-Week Ab Challenge

It's hard to hold anything for one minute, let alone see results. We get that. However, we're going to tell you how you can build up to holding a pretty tough exercise for 60 seconds, and results will follow. The magic move you're going to love to hate is a variation on the oblique V-crunch.

The Oblique V-Crunch Hold

This exercise is super effective for carving out your abs and waist if done correctly and with dedication. You'll simply be taking an oblique V-crunch and holding it for longer periods, and at the end of this two-week challenge, you will be holding it for a full minute. Don't worry, if you're thinking to yourself that there is no way you can hold a move for very long, we're going to show you how to get there.

How to Perform the Oblique V-Crunch Hold

We asked Kendall Wood, NASM CPT and coauthor of Core Fitness Solution, for the best advice on how to make sure you do this move right. Here's his simple, point-by-point breakdown.

  • Step 1: Lie down on your right side and place your left hand behind your head and your right hand on the floor beside you.
  • Step 2: Press your right hand into the floor, keep your legs together and straight, and raise them off the floor.
  • Step 3: Bring your torso toward your legs and hold this position as long as possible. Breathe through it and keep your muscles engaged the entire time.
  • Step 4: When you feel like you can no longer hold this position with correct form, slowly lower your legs and torso back onto the floor.
  • Step 5: Repeat the same steps for the left side.

If you're a beginner and held that for even 10 seconds, you might be thinking, "That was pretty tough; how am I going to hold that for a whole minute?" Or you may be thinking that we've lost our minds to ask you to build up to one minute of holding this move. Fret not! It really is possible. You'd be surprised just how quickly you'll gain strength and chisel away at your middle!

Building Up to a 60-Second Hold

No matter what your time is right now, you can always improve it. According to Wood, you should "start where you are comfortable and then step out of your comfort zone just a bit every day." Here's his two-week challenge on how to make your dream midsection.

The 2-Week Challenge

Day Time
Day 1 10-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of two sets.
Day 2 15-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of two sets.
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 20-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of two sets.
Day 5 25-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of two sets.
Day 6 30-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of two sets.
Day 7 Rest
Day 8 40-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of three sets.
Day 9 45-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of three sets.
Day 10 Rest
Day 11 55-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of three sets.
Day 12 60-second hold on each side for one set. Perform a total of three sets.
Day 13 Keep going! Try adding a few more seconds.
Day 14 Rest and celebrate your new core strength!

Don't worry if you can't quite build up as fast as the two-week plan suggests. Do what you can and add one second at a time if you have to; just push yourself and keep going because challenge makes change. As we add more muscle to our bodies, they become fat-burning machines. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, even while at rest.

Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography
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