This Is the Easiest 30-Minute, Equipment-Free Workout Ever — No, Seriously

Laura Arndt
Laura Arndt

If you're a newbie just starting your fitness journey, you're probably looking to keep it slow and steady. This 30-minute workout is the perfect routine for beginners, exercising your entire body and jump-starting your metabolism in 15 easy moves — and because it requires no equipment, you can do it anywhere and any time! Complete two sets of each exercise for maximum benefit.

Chair Pose

Chair Pose

  • Target Muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, and core.
  • Start in the standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms out in front and lower your body into a seated position. Hold for one minute, standing up for rest breaks as needed.
Oblique Side Bends

Oblique Side Bends

  • Target Muscles: Obliques.
  • Start in the standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your head. Dip to one side and return to starting position. Continue, slow and controlled, alternating sides for one minute.
Standing Side-Leg Raises

Standing Side-Leg Raises

  • Target Muscles: Hips and core.
  • Start in the standing position with your legs shoulder-width apart. Begin to lift your right leg out toward the side and back to starting position. Continue, slow and controlled, for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Sumo Squat

Sumo Squat

  • Target Muscles: Inner thighs.
  • Start in the standing position with your legs wider than shoulder-width and your toes pointed slightly outward. Lower your body down toward the ground and then return to starting position. Repeat, slow and controlled, for one minute.
Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose

  • Target Muscles: Shoulders, obliques, and hamstrings.
  • Start in the standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step out with your right leg and turn your toes outward, away from your body. Keeping your legs straight, reach your right arm toward your right ankle with your palm facing out. Reach your left arm up toward the ceiling, forming the shape of a triangle. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on your opposite side.


  • Target muscles: Chest, triceps, shoulders, and core.
  • Start on your hands and knees in a plank position. Begin to lower your body down toward the mat, and, pushing through your hands, return to starting position. Continue, slow and controlled, for one minute.
Side Plank

Side Plank

  • Target Muscles: Obliques.
  • Start in a side body position with your hips stacked. Come up on to your elbow and raise your hips off the mat. Continue to hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side.
Glute Raises

Glute Raises

  • Target Muscles: Glutes.
  • Start on all fours on your hands and knees. Keeping your back straight and your abdomen tight, bend a knee and raise your leg up and down toward the ceiling. Continue, slow and controlled, for 30 seconds, then switch sides.


  • Target Muscles: Lower back, shoulders, and glutes.
  • Start laying down on your stomach. Turn your palms in to face each other and lift your arms and legs up off the mat. Continue to hold for one minute, taking breaks and relaxing into the mat as needed.
Bird Dog

Bird Dog

  • Target Muscles: Abs, lower back, and glutes.
  • Begin on all fours on your hands and knees. Your stomach muscles are engaged and your arms remain locked. Reach out with your right arm and your left leg, getting your body into a straight line as best you can. Return your hand and knee to the mat. Continue alternating sides for one minute.


  • Target Muscles: Upper body and core.
  • Start on your hands and toes, keeping your body in a straight line as your breathe. Hold for one minute.
Straight-Leg Lifts

Straight-Leg Lifts

  • Target Muscles: Transverse abdominals and pelvic floor.
  • Start laying on your back with your right leg extended to the ceiling. Place your hands on your right knee and begin to trade your legs back and forth, trying to stop your bottom foot right before it hits the mat. Continue, slow and controlled, for one minute.
Side Crunches Legs Up

Side Crunches Legs Up

  • Target Muscles: Obliques.
  • Start laying down on your back with your legs extended up toward the ceiling. Lace your fingertips behind your head and reach up across your body with one hand. Continue slow and controlled for one minute, alternating sides.
Dead Bug Crunch

Dead Bug Crunch

  • Target Muscles: Abs and lower back.
  • Lay back on your mat with both your legs at table top. Extend your arms up toward the ceiling. Reach back with your right arm and out with your left leg. Pause, then return to center. Continue, slow and controlled, for one minute, alternating sides.
One-Leg Bridge

One-Leg Bridge

  • Target Muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
  • Start by laying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Raise your right leg to the ceiling and lift your hips up and down. Continue, slow and controlled, for 30 seconds, then switch sides.