A 6-Move Workout You Can Do on the Beach

Whether you want to move your workouts outdoors or you don't feel like heading to the gym while on vacation, we've come up with a quick full-body workout that satisfies both. Ahead are six exercises that you can do anywhere, but which are better on sand. For safety, bring a yoga mat or towel with you to prevent injuries and always look for a flat, stable surface where sand won't sink.

The warmup:

The workout:

  • Side shuffle with high-knee hold (1 minute)
  • Bear crawl (1 minute)
  • Walking lunges (20 reps)
  • Squat jump (15 reps)
  • Pilates roll-down (15 reps)
  • Side plank leg lift (15 reps each side)

Rest for one minute before running through the circuit again. Complete for a total of three times.

Now, let's break down the moves.

Model credit: @ashleyguarrasi

Side Shuffle With High-Knee Hold
POPSUGAR Photography

Side Shuffle With High-Knee Hold

  • Take small, quick steps to the side. Try to get in as many steps as possible in the length of your mat or towel.
  • When you reach the edge of your mat or towel, pause and bringing your inside knee up to waist level. This small pause works your abs and challenges your balance.
  • Repeat for one minute.
Bear Crawl
POPSUGAR Photography

Bear Crawl

  • Start on the ground in a push-up position with your knees underneath your hips but hovering off the ground.
  • At the same time, bring forward your opposite hand and knee, alternating the motion to move forward. Be sure to keep your hips level with your shoulders throughout.
  • Crawl for five yards, then reverse the motion, crawling backward to your starting spot.
  • Repeat for one minute.
Walking Lunges

Walking Lunges

  • Stand upright, feet together, and take a controlled step forward with your right leg, lowering your hips toward the floor by bending both knees to 90-degree angles. The back knee should point toward but not touch the ground, and your front knee should be directly over the ankle.
  • Press your right heel into the ground, and push off with your left foot to bring your left leg forward, stepping with control into a lunge on the other side. This completes two reps.
  • Complete 20 reps.
Squat Jump
POPSUGAR Photography

Squat Jump

  • Start in a squat with your arms by your sides.
  • Swing your arms to the ceiling and jump.
  • Land quietly as you return to the squat position. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 15 reps.
Pilates Roll-Down

Pilates Roll-Down

  • Begin seated at the front edge of your mat or towel with knees bent and legs parallel. Reach your arms toward the ceiling to lengthen your spine.
  • Exhale and pull abs deeply toward spine, and begin to roll down to the floor one vertebra at a time; the movement should be smooth and controlled. Once your head reaches the mat, reach your arms overhead so they are parallel to the floor.
  • Exhale and begin to roll up, peeling your spine off the mat and coming all the way to sitting. Inhale your arms up toward the ceiling. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 15 reps.
Side Plank Leg Lift
POPSUGAR Photography

Side Plank Leg Lift

  • Come into a side elbow plank on the right side with your flexed feet stacked. Rest your top hand on your upper hip or extend it into the air.
  • Keeping your spine lengthened and your abs engaged, lift your left leg up just higher than your top hip. Then slowly lower it back to your bottom leg.
  • Complete 15 reps on each side.