Strengthen Your Arms, Legs, and Abs With Kelsey Wells's 15-Minute Equipment-Free Workout


You don't need access to a gym in order to get in a quality workout. To help you train no matter where you are, Kelsey Wells, NASM-certified, Sweat app trainer and founder of the PWR and PWR at Home program, created this quick, total-body workout that will leave you feeling energized and stronger once it's over. "I hope this helps women understand that they don't need any gym equipment to get in an intense strength-training session," Kelsey told POPSUGAR.

Not only will this workout work your upper and lower body, it's also going to elevate your heart rate so you can get in some cardio as well. This workout may only be four moves, but Kelsey said she selected compound exercises to target multiple groups of muscle at once. If you're ready to get started, grab your water and continue reading.

Kelsey Wells's 15-Minute Equipment-Free Full-Body Workout

Equipment needed: a yoga mat (optional)

Before getting started, Wells said to complete three to five minutes of cardio, such as jogging in place or skipping, to get your muscles warm. If you have the space, she also recommends completing a few dynamic stretches like leg swings and arm circles after your cardio warmup.

This workout should be performed in two supersets, meaning you will be completing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between each exercise. Take 60 seconds of rest in between the supersets. Don't forget to cool down for three to five minutes after the workout. Kelsey recommends walking to lower your heart rate along with static stretching to help improve your flexibility and reduce any soreness.

  • Superset 1, Exercise 1: Sumo double-pulse squat, 12 reps
  • Superset 1, Exercise 2: Push-up with a side plank, 10 reps (five reps on each side)
  • Rest: 60 seconds
  • Superset 2, Exercise 1: Sprawl, 12 reps
  • Superset 2, Exercise 2: Ab bike, 40 reps (20 reps on each side)
Superset 1, Exercise 1: Sumo Double-Pulse Squat
Kelsey Wells

Superset 1, Exercise 1: Sumo Double-Pulse Squat

"Concentrate on your technique with this exercise, focusing on maintaining a strong contraction in your core and glutes," Wells said. "Ensure you are not leaning forward during the movement and keep a neutral spine."

  • Begin standing and plant both feet on the floor further than hip-width apart. Point both feet slightly outward.
  • Inhale as you look straight ahead, bending at both the hips and knees ensuring that your knees remain in line with your toes. Continue bending your knees until your upper legs (quadriceps) are parallel with the floor. Ensure that your back remains within a 45- to 90-degree angle to your hips.
  • Push through your heels and extend your legs slightly. Your legs should not be fully straight. Bend your knees to return to the full sumo squat position.
  • Exhale and push through your heels, extending your legs to return to the starting position.
  • Complete 12 reps and then advance to the push-up with side plank.
Superset 1, Exercise 2: Push-Up With Side Plank
Kelsey Wells

Superset 1, Exercise 2: Push-Up With Side Plank

This exercise is a twist on the traditional push-up, Wells said. "It will have you working your chest, triceps, and shoulders while maintaining a strong core to keep your body in a straight line from the top of your head down to your feet," she added. "As you lower yourself down, try to keep your elbows close to the sides of your body and avoid letting your chest collapse towards the ground."

  • Place both hands on the ground or a mat slightly further than shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be in line with your hands and you should be resting on the balls of your feet.
  • Take an inhale as you maintain a straight back and stabilize through your abdominals. Bend your elbows and begin to lower your torso towards the floor until your arms form two 90-degree angles.
  • Exhale as you push through your chest and extend your elbows to lift your body back up off the ground, returning to the starting position. Lift your right hand off the ground and extend your arm upwards as you simultaneously turn your torso to face the long side of your mat. Be sure to engage your obliques (the sides of your abs) to keep your hips elevated.
  • Inhale and lower your right hand back to the ground, returning to the starting position.
  • Repeat this movement lifting the left hand off the ground. This counts as two reps.
  • Continue to alternate between the right and left sides for a total of 10 reps (five reps per side).
  • Taking little to no rest, return to the sumo double-pulse squat.
  • Complete three rounds of this superset, then rest for 60 seconds and advance to superset two.
Superset 2, Exercise 1: Sprawl
Kelsey Wells

Superset 2, Exercise 1: Sprawl

  • Start standing with your feet slightly further than hip-width distance apart. Point both feet slightly outward. Bend at both the hips and knees until your upper legs (quadriceps) are parallel (in line with) the floor, ensuring that your knees remain in line with your toes and your back remains within 45- to 90-degrees of your hips.
  • Inhale and place your hands on the mat in between your feet, ensuring that your spine remains in a neutral position.
  • Jump both of your feet backwards so that your legs are completely extended behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Your body should be in one straight line from your head to your heels.
  • Exhale and jump both of your feet forward, outside of your hands, ensuring that your feet are wider than your shoulders and that your feet are pointed out slightly. Release your hands from the mat and elevate your torso slightly to return to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 12 reps and then advance to the ab bikes.
Superset 2, Exercise 2: Ab Bike
Kelsey Wells

Superset 2, Exercise 2: Ab Bike

  • Start by lying straight on your back on a yoga mat with your legs extended out in front of you.
  • Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your earlobes. Gently raise both legs, your head, and shoulders off the mat.
  • Keep your right leg extended as you bend your left knee and draw it in towards your chest. At the same time, rotate your torso to the left, bringing your right elbow to your knee.
  • Untwist your torso and extend your left knee to return to the starting position. Immediately bend your right knee and draw it in towards your chest and rotate your torso to the right to bring your left elbow to your knee. Untwist your torso and extend your right knee to return to the starting position.
  • This counts as two reps.
  • Complete 40 reps (20 reps on each side).
  • Repeat superset two for a total of three rounds.
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