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Arms and Abs Workout With Dumbbells

If You Want Your Arms and Abs to Be Sore Tomorrow, Do This Workout

Arms and Abs Workout With Dumbbells
Image Source: Getty / skynesher

Strengthen your upper body and tone your core all at once with this ab and arm workout with dumbbells. Not all 10 moves use weights — some are bodyweight exercises — making it a well-rounded workout to really target your arms and abs. It's a timesaver to work both areas at one time!

This bodyweight and dumbbell workout will specifically strengthen your biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, upper back, upper and lower abs, and your obliques. These moves will have you pulling and pushing in multiple directions, increasing your range of motion. Having a strong upper body and core is important for many reasons, and goes way beyond just looking good in your clothes. Having strong arms and abs will improve your posture and make you a better athlete. If you're one of those people who tends to focus more on working their legs, like runners and cyclists, or if you love doing heavy deadlifts and squats, workouts like this will make your body more muscularly balanced. And this overall balance can help you reach any fitness goal you have.

Having a strong upper body and core will also help with daily activities that involve lifting heavy things, like carrying all six grocery bags from the car to your front door at one time, or effortlessly carrying your kid up the stairs. If you don't strengthen your upper body and core, your lower back is more likely to compensate, which can lead to strain, pain, or injury.

Let's get into this workout! It's fast-paced and intense, and even though it's quick and will take under 20 minutes, you'll definitely be sore tomorrow. Use lighter dumbbells if you're a beginner, or challenge yourself with heavier dumbbells if you're more experienced. One move also uses a medicine ball, but if you don't have one, do the equally challenging suggested dumbbell exercise instead.

Dumbbell Arm and Ab Workout

Equipment needed: Pair of medium-weight dumbbells and a medicine ball (there's a modification below if you don't have one).

Directions: Warm up with three to five minutes of light cardio, then complete three rounds of the below workout. Cool down with three to five minutes of stretching.

Exercise Reps
Wide biceps curl 10 reps
Upright row 10 reps
Push-up 10 reps
Hip raise with leg extension 10 reps
Ball slam (do dumbbell thruster if you don't have a medicine ball) 10 reps
Seated Russian twist 10 reps (10 per side)
Plank dumbbell row 10 reps (5 per side)
Dumbbell crossover punch 10 reps (10 per side)
Knee driver 10 reps (10 per side)
Lying chest fly 10 reps

Keep reading for details on how to do each exercise.

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