Tone Your Body From Head to Toe With This 15-Minute Workout

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock
POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

Celebrity trainer Don Saladino has been known to get A-listers like Blake Lively and her husband, Ryan Reynolds, in tip-top shape for their upcoming roles. I recently spoke with Don about how he trained Zazie Beetz for her role as Domino in Deadpool 2.

He explained that he incorporates a jump, throw, carry sequence into all of her workouts to reestablish athleticism in the body after a dynamic warmup, prior to the actual workout. Don said that if someone didn't have much time to spend in the gym, doing a few rounds of this sequence would give them a great total-body workout.

The following day, I trained a client at 6 a.m., which left me with less than an hour to get a workout in, shower, and commute to work. Curious as to whether the jump, throw, carry sequence could actually kick my ass, I decided to test it out. I did the following exercises: skaters, medicine ball slams, and a bottoms-up kettlebell press, and to my surprise it was hard (a good hard) — and I even made it to work on time!

Here's how to do this killer 15-minute total-body workout:

You'll start with side skaters, and as soon as you're done, you'll go into medicine ball slams, followed by a bottoms-up kettlebell carry. If you can't do the carry, do a suitcase carry (your arm is fully extended with the kettlebell at your side). Since this workout takes only 15 minutes, you won't be taking any rest and will cycle through the jump, throw, carry format for a total of five rounds. This workout is high-impact, so if you have any injuries, either modify the movements or try this joint-friendly workout.

Side Skaters
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Side Skaters

  • Start in a small squat.
  • Jump sideways to the left, landing on your left leg.
  • Bring your right leg behind to your left ankle, and don't let it touch the floor.
  • Reverse directions by jumping to the right with your right leg. That completes one rep.
  • Do 12 reps before moving on to medicine ball slams.
Medicine Ball Slam
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Medicine Ball Slam

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width distant apart with a 10 pound medicine ball on the floor in front of you.
  • Squat down and pick up the medicine ball, keeping your head up and trying not to round the spine.
  • Stand up, lifting the medicine ball above your head, fully extending the arms straight above you.
  • Forcefully slam the ball down on the floor as hard as you can. If the ball is light enough, catch the ball as it bounces slightly off the floor.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Complete 20 reps and move on to the bottoms-up kettlebell carry.
Bottoms-up Kettlebell Carry
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Bottoms-up Kettlebell Carry

  • Start with a lightweight kettlebell in your right arm. I'm using a four kilogram kettlebell which is roughly 9 pounds.
  • Lift your arm up turning the kettlebell upside down, creating a 90-degree angle at your elbow. Be sure to keep your wrist straight. If you notice that your wrist is moving use a lighter kettlebell or a lightweight dumbbell.
  • From here, begin walking forward. Take 20 steps forward or walk for 20 feet depending on the space available.
  • Switch the kettlebell to your left hand and walk back to your starting point.
  • Go straight into your next round of side skaters.