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Kayla Itsines's 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Weeks 1 & 3

Kick Off This 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan With Kayla Itsines Exclusively on POPSUGAR

Kayla Itsines's 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Weeks 1 & 3

Kayla Itsines's BBG and other plans on her Sweat app are known to garner serious results. Luckily for us, she put together a free four-week no-equipment plan just for POPSUGAR readers! That's right, using only your body weight, you can strengthen and tone your whole body.

This plan is broken down into three types of workouts: resistance training, cardio, and a rest day. For three days a week, you will do a 28-minute resistance-training workout, including one day for arms and abs, one day for legs, and one day for your full body. Three days a week you will do low-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS), such as power walking, swimming, biking, or another type of cardio workout for 30-60 minutes. And, perhaps most importantly, you'll get a rest day, where you can do active recovery (take a stroll around your neighborhood, for example), stretch and foam roll, or just take it completely easy.

This plan proves you can get in a good workout any time, anywhere — no excuses! The only things you need are a mat, water bottle, sweat towel, and your own body weight. Take a look at week one of the plan below, which you'll repeat on week three. Once you're done with week one, continue on to week two (which you'll repeat in week four.)

Scroll through to get each specific resistance-training plan for the three days of the week. Now, time to get to work!

4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan, Weeks 1 and 3

Before each workout, start with a dynamic warmup to activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Then, finish each workout with a cooldown — we like this 10-minute stretching routine.

Day Workout
Monday Arms and Abs
Tuesday LISS

Thursday LISS
Friday Full Body
Saturday LISS
Sunday Rest Day
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