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Kayla Itsines's 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Weeks 2 & 4

Keep It Going With Week 2 of Kayla Itsines's 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan

Kayla Itsines's 4-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Weeks 2 & 4

So you've already tackled week one of Kayla Itsines's four-week no-equipment workout plan that she created exclusively for POPSUGAR, and it's time to move on to week two! Week two, which you'll repeat in week four, includes tons of bodyweight-only moves to get your heart rate up and tone and strengthen your muscles. Since you only need a mat, water bottle, and towel, this workout plan proves you can break a sweat any time, anywhere — no excuses!

Just like in week one, this plan is broken down into three types of workouts: resistance training, cardio, and a rest day. For three days a week, you will do a 28-minute resistance-training workout, including one day for legs, one day for arms and abs, and one day for your full body. Three days a week you will do low-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS), such as power walking, swimming, biking, or another type of cardio workout for 30-60 minutes. And you'll also get a rest day, where you can do active recovery (walk around your neighborhood, for example), stretch and foam roll, or just take it completely easy.

Take a look at week two of the plan below, which you'll repeat on week four. Scroll through to get each specific resistance-training plan for the three days of the week. For more workouts and challenges from Kayla, visit her Sweat app.

4-Week No-Equipment Workout Plan, Weeks 2 and 4

Before each workout, start with a dynamic warmup to activate your muscles and get your blood flowing. Then, finish each workout with a cooldown — we like this 10-minute stretching routine.

Day Workout
Monday Legs
Tuesday LISS

Arms and Abs
Thursday LISS
Friday Full Body
Saturday LISS
Sunday Rest Day
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